Merger + Acquisition Support
If you’re considering a merger or acquisition, we can help you decide if it’s the right choice for your company. We provide perspective on the human capital side, in addition to the business and financial implications of that capital. If you’ve already merged with or acquired another company, we can advise on where team members best fit together, help you establish a consistent company culture, assess where opportunities are within your newly expanded team, and make suggestions to help mediate any anticipated issues.
Discover: If you’re still considering a merger or acquisition, we’ll conduct a full evaluation of the culture and leadership abilities of the company you are considering, to make sure you have all the information you need to make the right choice for your business and your people. This information can be crucial in avoiding any unforeseen hiccups and hurdles to purchase and help you determine whether new team members will be a good culture and skill fit for your company (and if not, how easily they can be). If a merger or acquisition has already occurred, we can assess both teams and provide guidance on how the new combined team can best work together successfully.
Diagnose: whether it’s mediation between company leaders, helping you assess and establish a consistent culture in a new blended environment, or figuring out the best way to help your new team fit together, our expertise in personality and team dynamics will help you make intelligent strategic decisions about whether to proceed with a merger or acquisition – and how to ensure success for your business and your people if you do.
Develop: our support doesn’t end when your merger or acquisition closes. Teambuilding is an ongoing process, so we’re committed to ongoing guidance. Through continued coaching and consulting, we’ll help your new team not only find their best flow together, but further develop as individuals as well.

While the price of your merger and acquisition support will vary depending on its scope and complexity, our top priority Is making sure you get the solutions you need, so we will do everything we can to find one that works for your goals, your people, and your budget.

Browse our case studies to see how our clients are leveraging our workplace conflict professionals to help solve their work-related people problems. From conflict workplace training for your employees — or conflict resolution training for leaders — to providing clarity amid confusion, our trained workplace mediators are here to help!
If you’re ready to find solutions that fit your budget, needs, goals, and most importantly, your people, reach out to us today!

Not sure what you need?
If you’re facing people problems at work, we’re here to help. And if your team is doing great, we can make them even better. If you give us a little information below, we’ll schedule a consultation with up to three members of your leadership team. During this consultation, we can talk about the challenges and goals facing the most critical resource at the heart of your company: your people. If you decide to work with us after your consultation, the cost of the call will be applied to your contract.
Free Wraparound Interview
Preparing for succession?
Transferring your business to the next generation of leadership comes with plenty of unique challenges – and when you’re dealing with the legacy of a multi-generational family business, the psychological and emotional complexities become even harder to navigate. Make sure you find the right fit for the next era of your business by using this brief Guide to Choosing the Ideal Successor.