Rose + Porterfield Team
Our principals are PhD’s with decades of business and consulting experience. They are experienced psychologists, managers, executive coaches, and authors. But above all, they’re experts in people.
From large-scale corporations to multi-generational family businesses, Rose + Porterfield has helped hundreds of organizations spanning nearly every industry with almost every work-related people problem. If you’re experiencing it, we’ve seen it – and we’re here to help.
Meet the team

Robyn W. Porterfield, PhD
Managing Principal
A certified professional mediator with a PhD in Experimental Psychology and Organizational Dynamics, and 20+ years of consulting experience, Dr. Robyn Porterfield brings Rose + Porterfield’s clients the benefit of scientific insight into human behavior combined with a deep understanding of business and organizational performance data.
Dr. Porterfield spent over ten years in sales and marketing prior to completing her PhD. She served as Director of Client Services for a Texas-based online psychological testing firm, where she consulted to management on issues like individual and team fit, conflict resolution, hiring, coaching, and management succession planning. As a consultant, she has assessed and coached executives across a diverse range of industries including financial management, real estate, construction, non-profit, food service, telecommunications, and retail. For five years she co-authored a column for the Dallas Business Journal called, “the C-Level Coach”, was co-author of North Texas Real Estate Council’s “TRECWire” column and also mediates for Dispute Resolution Services of Tarrant County, Texas.
Robert G. Rose, PhD
Bob’s Legacy, A Message from Robyn Porterfield
To all of the friends and clients of Rose + Porterfield,
I am so very broken hearted by the death of my partner and best friend, Bob Rose. It was entirely unexpected, and Bob had so much left to do and give.
In 1977, Bob left his life as an academic in Puerto Rico for the consulting world. He struggled at first. Those of you who knew him know the suit and tie corporate persona did not come naturally to him. But as a consultant, he was second to none. Comfortable in his own skin, always confident, always authentic, he was the consummate gentleman. He adored his family, was a faithful friend, and always tried to be a better man. I fell in love with him as a person the moment we met.
For those of you who knew him well, you knew his sense of humor and wit defined his personality. If you were a good person with intelligence and a healthy sense of humor, Bob wanted to be around you. He wrote poetry, taught self-defense, volunteered with abused women and children, and counseled out of work executives for free. He loved the people he loved without boundaries. He often told people of his family—only half-joking—” if we love you, we will be like gum on your shoe, just try to scrape us off”. Luckily for me, his wonderful family adopted me over two decades ago and without him my life would have been lonelier, far less colorful, and not nearly as much fun.
Bob will always be the best part of Rose + Porterfield, and he will always be with me as I move forward as partner to our clients and steward of the practice we built together over the last 22 years. Like Bob, I am committed to helping clients reach their goals with authenticity, integrity, and proven practices. He lives on in the way I do business and live my life.

For our clients, the Rose + Porterfield team’s diversity of experience becomes a competitive advantage. With a multi-generational team with varied expertise in psychology, emotional intelligence, business development, and strategic communication as your partner, you can approach every challenge from a place of broad perspective and people-first focus.

Browse our case studies to see how our clients are leveraging our workplace conflict professionals to help solve their work-related people problems. From conflict workplace training for your employees — or conflict resolution training for leaders — to providing clarity amid confusion, our trained workplace mediators are here to help!
If you’re ready to find solutions that fit your budget, needs, goals, and most importantly, your people, reach out to us today!

Not sure what you need?
If you’re facing people problems at work, we’re here to help. And if your team is doing great, we can make them even better. If you give us a little information below, we’ll schedule a consultation with up to three members of your leadership team. During this consultation, we can talk about the challenges and goals facing the most critical resource at the heart of your company: your people. If you decide to work with us after your consultation, the cost of the call will be applied to your contract.
Free Wraparound Interview
Preparing for succession?
Transferring your business to the next generation of leadership comes with plenty of unique challenges – and when you’re dealing with the legacy of a multi-generational family business, the psychological and emotional complexities become even harder to navigate. Make sure you find the right fit for the next era of your business by using this brief Guide to Choosing the Ideal Successor.